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Blogger, Christ-follower, Encourager, Friend, Husband, Dad

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

That was some winter we had!  Oh, you don’t remember it either? Maybe there is something to that “Global Warming” after all. (No, I am not really going there).
It does seem that we went directly from Fall to Spring.  I don’t know about you, but I did not pass “Go” or collect my $200.  And as things stand right now, I could have really used that $200 to go toward repairing my riding lawnmower. The mower is in the shop, but the incredibly inconsiderate grass/weed blend in my backyard just keeps right on growing without a care in the world.
So, I was forced to mow the backyard with my 21-year-old push mower.  That is not to be confused with my 21-year-old mower pusher, who is off at college and somehow thinks that getting his education is more important than keeping dear old Dad’s yard looking nice.
What normally takes about 20 minutes riding took 2 ½ hours pushing.  It also required three tanks of gas.  Not to mention what I put in the mower! 
I did some pondering during this little backyard adventure.  You aren’t surprised by that, I’m sure.  If you are one of my faithful readers, you know that pondering is what I do best (or at least what I do most).
My pondering led me to consider a couple of things for which I am thankful.  One is riding lawnmowers.  Thankfully, only that backyard is growing really fast.  If I had to do the whole 1.3 acres with the push mower, we could have some serious issues. 
I’m also thankful for a good workout.  I have to admit that I am not good about getting adequate exercise.  That 2 ½ hours of pushing and pulling and walking and sweating was the best workout I have had in awhile.  And I did it outside on a beautiful day.  Perhaps I’ll start the newest exercise craze: Body by Briggs and Stratton.  I can see it now.  Videos, late night infomercials, denim spandex leotards (oops, gotta delete that mental image).
I talk a lot about perspective in this blog from week to week.  Perspective is what keeps the reality before us that our lives matter to God.  It is really easy to focus on things like broken lawnmowers, inconveniences, challenges, and difficulties.  Perspective helps us to identify those things for which we can be thankful—even in the middle of the challenges.
Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
So, I have sprung forward into spring, I have an old push mower that works, and I am able to walk behind it. Life is good.
But my feelings won’t be hurt when I can once again do my pondering while riding.

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