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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Night Before Christmas 2010

I wrote this for a Christmas banquet about a week ago and have shared it at two others since then. Since I have been asked to share it online, I thought this would be a good venue. Merry Christmas!

'Twas the night before Christmas and all over town
All of the Baptists were about to bed down
The church family had gathered for the candlelight service
"Watch the wax and the carpet!" (it made the custodian so nervous)
The songs had been sung and the hugs had been shared
The youth pastor was late, but nobody cared
The pastor's short message was so warm and tender
That when the deacons woke up, they proclaimed it a winner
So, now everyone had made it back to the house
And that pastor was all snuggled up with his spouse
When all of a sudden, with eyes open wide
The leaped to the window and gawked right outside
(Now you have to be careful with too much outside gawking
You don't want to get the neighbors to talking)
But they gawked and they gawked 'til they got cricks in their necks
'Cause right there in their front yard, old Santa had wrecked
The reindeer were wondering and starting to graze
And Santa just sat right there in a daze
He looked like his travels had worn him down to a nub
As he looked back at them from out of the shrubs
Mrs Pastor said, "Let's help him, we're all that he's got!"
But the pastor was thinking, "Well, I guess the snuggling's shot"
But he pulled himself together and brought Santa inside
They cleared off the sofa (You know that old fella's kinda wide)
They gave him some coffee and cleaned up his clothes
They gathered the reindeer (even the old red nose)
And after a few minutes of loving care
Santa's spirits revived like a breath of fresh air
He jumped up and said, "Friends, I've gotta fly!
There's many miles to go before this night passes by"
But he looked at that ministry couple with love in his eyes
And said, "I need to tell you something and this is no lie.
Kids the world over are pondering my flight
But in your life, I saw Jesus tonight
You didn't ask for presents, you just showered me with love
And I think we all know that it comes from above
So, before I go, pastor, I can say it's not a reach
To see where your heart is, because you practice what you preach."

May the same be said of all of us who proclaim that Jesus is the reason for the season. Let us not just be about words, but let our words be validated by loving action.

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