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Blogger, Christ-follower, Encourager, Friend, Husband, Dad

Friday, June 15, 2012

What's Your Thing?

Do you remember Thing One and Thing Two from The Cat in the Hat?  Those Things caused all kinds of mayhem for a couple of bored kids on a cold, wet day in Dr. Seuss’s classic kids book (written almost 70 years ago, by the way).
Well, I know a little something about Things getting in the way.  Do you ever feel like you are juggling so many Things in your life that Things get in the way of other Things?  Maybe it’s only me. I’m sure that, at your house, everything is in its place, the calendar is organized with military precision, everyone feels completely appreciated and acknowledged, and if Stephen Covey were to write a new book on the habits of highly effective households, he would only need to come and observe yours for a few days.
No?  Then welcome to the real world.
In the real world, Things compete for our attention and resources.  I’m not just talking about tangible items that you can touch and see.  I’m talking about activities, many of them good and beneficial.  I’m talking about priorities.  Some of those Things are really important.  I’m talking about living.
So, how do we get our Things in order so that they are enhancing our lives rather than complicating them?  No, I’m not talking about efficiency.  Efficiency is over-rated.  I guess I really am talking about effectiveness in the sense of making a difference in the world.
I heard a sermon recently based on one phrase of Philippians 3:13: “But one thing I do”.  The preacher quoted the great evangelist D.L. Moody, who said, “Give me one man who says, ‘This one thing I do,’ rather than twelve men who say these twelve things I dabble in.’”  He quoted the great motivational speaker Zig Ziglar who said, “All great people have one distinguishing mark, they’re people of single-minded focus.”
I came away asking the question, “How can I possible focus on one Thing?”  I work to assist 61 different churches in 3 counties.  I write blogs and newspaper columns.  I coach ministry leaders.  I network with ministry partners all over the country.  And I am a husband and father.  How in the world can I say, “This is my one Thing?”
Can you relate?
Since pondering life is one of the many Things I do, I spent some time on it.  And the proverbial “Aha” came.  My one Thing is to be a blessing to as many people as possible, empowering them on the journey of fulfilling God’s unique plan for each of their lives.  That’s my main Thing.  That’s the Thing that puts all the other Things in place. 
Our lives matter so much to God, that He cares about all the Things that make up our lives.  He has a main Thing for each of us that is a deeply personalized as our DNA.  I have discovered mine.
What’s your Thing?

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